Updated Introduction

It’s not important to know my name. I’m 26 years old so I’m relatively young.  I have an almost  4 year old son, J, and an almost 2 year old daughter, Bug. I have some physical difficulties and memory problems that stem from having a stroke when I was in an accident, but I’m a survivor. I lost my brother and high school sweetheart in that accident. I don’t work because of my disabilities, but I’m a stay at home mom. I plan to change this by going to college for Illustration. My hobbies are computers, drawing, and reading. My fiance’ works and we plan on getting married soon. I’m not a very religious person. My life has never been peachy or perfect, but I have survived somehow.

I’ll mostly fill up this blog with pictures of crochet projects and photography with the occasional rants on my life.

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